hello, stranger.

Matthew Koger is a PR and digital media consultant currently living in the Hollywood area of Los Angeles, California. After he obtained his film degree from Sacramento State in 2018, he managed to obtain a position with Spectrum News 1 SoCal as a photographer—shooting political segments inside the states’ Capitol building in Sacramento, and covering high-profile individuals such as Senator Bernie Sanders, as well as California’s Governor, Gavin Newsom.

Matthew was previously the social media and creative coordinator for The Right Now, a modern PR agency located in Los Angeles, CA. He held accounts for The Original Farmers Market in Los Angeles, UGG, NBA, Tubi, Netflix, Apple TV, Seymoure Gloves, L' Couture, Amazon Prime, Viking Cruises, Lovisa Jewellery and more. In 2022, The Observer named The Right Now one of the best PR firms in America.

Matthew is currently a Jr. Copywriter for BLT Communications, one of the leading ad agencies in entertainment marketing. Founded in 1992, BLT Communications is a creative media agency that works with Theater, Network TV, Cable Television, Audio Visual & Motion Graphics, and Film companies to craft compelling visual media for Hollywood film/tv releases.

email: mattkoger0@gmail.com